Real Estate Investing

Residential, Commercial, Land Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investing Property Investment on a Budget Property investment is a proven way to build wealth and secure financial stability. While it is often seen as an investment strategy limited to those with substantial funds, the truth is that you don’t need a massive budget to begin investing in real estate. With careful planning, research, and strategic thinking, you can make the […]
Real Estate Investing Property Investment 101: Buying Commercial Real Estate Buying commercial real estate can be a lucrative strategy for property investors, entrepreneurs, and business owners alike. Unlike residential property investment, commercial real estate caters to many different kinds of businesses, from retail outlets to industrial warehouses. This makes it a smart investment for anyone building their real estate portfolio with the right strategy in […]
Buying Your Strategic Guide to Flipping Houses With the continued success and popularity of HGTV-style property shows, more and more people are considering house flipping. Essentially, they buy a fixer-upper property, fit it up and make improvements, then sell for a profit. It can be a reasonably lucrative property investment strategy that can be simple enough to replicate. However, there are many […]
Financial Who is Considered an Accredited Investor in Canada? In Canada, an accredited investor is a person or entity that is considered to be financially sophisticated and able to bear the economic risks of investing in unregistered securities. Accredited investors typically include institutions such as banks and insurance companies, as well as individuals who meet specific criteria. Qualifications of an Accredited Investor To qualify […]
Why Should You Invest in Saskatchewan Real Estate? Deciding whether or not to invest in real estate is considerable enough in and of itself. Even after making such an important decision, however, many more choices must be made. One of the most critical next steps is deciding where to invest in real estate. You can certainly opt to seek out highly populated urban […]
Buying What is Title Insurance & Do You Need It? Buying real estate is an expensive investment. Therefore, ensuring you are protecting your investment to the best of your ability makes sense. Property insurance is one way to protect your real estate investment that most people have some familiarity with. Title insurance, however, is quite a different story.   What is Title Insurance? Title insurance […]
Buying What is Vendor Financing in Real Estate? If you have been researching real estate investment, you have likely encountered dozens of unfamiliar terms. This is often especially true when investigating different ways of financing real estate. Of course, you could consider the conventional route and finance your home through a bank or a broker. However, exploring alternative approaches, such as vendor financing, […]
Buying Your Guide to Finding a Profitable Investment Property Making a profit in real estate investment is more complex than buying a property and collecting rent. There are many steps to take along the way to generating revenue, each with unique challenges. From renovating your investment property to finding good tenants, there’s quite a lot you’ll need to do before the money starts to […]
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Real Estate Investing The Best Tips for Finding Good Tenants After weighing the pros and cons of investing in real estate, you’ve decided to move forward with buying an investment property. Congratulations! This is the first step toward building your property investment portfolio. The next step, however, is turning that investment into profit; and to do so, you will need to start looking for good […]
Selling Should I List My Real Estate Property With Tenants In It or Not? If the time has come to sell your real estate property, there many factors to consider before listing. Of course, you’ll want to take a look at the current real estate market and weigh the costs and benefits of listing now versus later to get the best return on your investment. But if your property […]
3 Benefits to Investing in Multi-Family Real Estate Whereas investing in the stock market can be quite unstable, as we saw earlier this year with the COVID-19 pandemic, real estate investing is often considered a much safer expenditure for added revenue potential. It allows the financier not only to have the potential of a more hands-on involvement with their investment, but it can […]
Property Investment 101: The Pros & Cons of Investing in Real Estate For anyone who has played Monopoly, property investment can appear to be quite a compelling way to invest your money for a good, passive return of revenue. In theory, it essentially boils down to the same premise of the game, too—you buy properties, generate rent, buy more properties, and avoid overindulging and falling into bankruptcy. […]
Buying Short-Term vs Long-Term Rentals: The Pros & Cons Making the decision to invest in Saskatchewan real estate comes with the question of whether you would like to invest in a short term or long term rental.  While traditional-long term rentals are often the first that come to mind, the savvy investor considers both, realizing there are real advantages to both short and long-term […]
Real Estate Investing My Best Tips For Real Estate Investing With lower interest rates in our economic forecast, it is the perfect time to finance an investment property.  A lot of people are considering this very option to get ahead on the property ladder and as an investment option.  It is well known that investing in real estate is a great opportunity as real estate […]
Buying Finance Your Home Through a Bank vs. Broker   Whether you work with a bank or mortgage broker to finance your home purchase is a matter of personal preference. Both institutions can offer competitive rates and terms and help you find the right mortgage for your needs. However, there are some key differences when deciding which option is right for you. Bank Banks […]
Buying Is Real Estate Investing For Me? Are you in possession of some extra funds you’re considering what to do with that will give the best payoff or looking to grow your finances? Real estate investing—whether it be residential or commercial—can be a lucrative and rewarding way to earn passive income and build your wealth. With the right strategies and approach, anyone […]
Highlights of the 2021 Federal Budget for Real Estate Investors 2020 was an expensive year for many countries worldwide, with the COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc across the globe. For most economies, a loss was suffered, and Canada was no exception. Incurring a debt of just over $350 billion, the Canadian government was forced to pivot the 2021 federal budget, but very little was introduced that […]